Anti-inflammatory smoothies

by Klaudia Glowaka, evergreen eyre square

So many illnesses are caused by, or made worse by, inflammation; arthritis, psoriasis, and digestive issues to name a few.

By including anti-inflammatory foods into your day, you are giving your body the opportunity to naturally calm inflammation which can reduce pain and swelling.

Smoothies are a great way to consume lots of healthy ingredients at once.

Here are two of my favourite anti-inflammatory smoothie recipes.

Yellow madness

1 banana

1 handful of pineapple cubes

1 cup of organic orange juice

1 small pot of passionfruit Koko coconut yoghurt

½ teaspoon of turmeric powder

2 tablespoons Iswari Budda’s awakening mango and baobab mix

½ teaspoon of dried ginger powder or ½ thumb size of fresh ginger - peeled

Green and go

1 teacup of green tea - cold

1 kiwi - peeled

1 handful of spinach

2 to 3 tablespoons of Coyo coconut yoghurt plain

1 scoop of One Nutrition power greens powder

1 tablespoon of milled hemp seeds

1 banana

½ teaspoon of good local honey

Call in to your local Evergreen Healthfoods and pick up some super ingredients to make delicious smoothies.


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