Nutrition, a career you will love

Every New Year we make resolutions we may or may not keep. “Be healthier. Love my work…” This year, make a real commitment to yourself and your passions.

If you have been toying with the idea of a career change, now is the time to act on it.

A CNM short course is the perfect first step towards a clear understanding of health and wellbeing through nutrition. It is the best way to test the waters and see what a career in nutrition could be like for you.

Good nutrition is the foundation of good health. The powerful health benefits of nutrition are increasingly recognised, but with so many conflicting messages about what makes a healthy diet, it can be difficult to know where to start.

With CNM’s special one weekend Food for Health course, you will gain the knowledge and confidence to make educated choices about the food you eat. You will broaden your understanding of the impact of nutrition in our daily lives, and gain practical tips for better health and wellbeing.

What you will learn:

• The foundations of a healthy diet.

• How to detox naturally and safely.

• What ‘organic’ really means.

• What to look for on food labels.

• Food forms of vitamins and minerals.

• Anti-ageing diet tips.

Take better control of your health today – book online now.

It is never too late for the perfect gift for yourself or a friend. A full weekend course is available for only €75.

The course takes place from 10am to 4.30pm on Saturday February 11 and Sunday February 12 at CNM, Galway Business School. Call 01 672 5036 or see


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