Alcoholics Anonymous open public meeting tomorrow

Alcoholics Anonymous will hold an open public meeting in the Galway Bay Hotel, Friday on January 6 at 8.00pm. As the term suggests, this meeting is open to alcoholics, their families and to anyone interested in solving a personal drinking problem or helping someone else to solve such a problem.

AA is a worldwide fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other in a bid to solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.

The fellowship does not affiliate with any other organisation, according to a local spokesperson. “It has no opinions on outside issues, neither does it endorse or oppose causes; its primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety. “Alcoholics Anonymous is concerned solely with the personal recovery and continued sobriety of individual alcoholics who turn to the fellowship for help. It does not engage in the field of alcoholism research, medical or psychiatric treatment and does not endorse any causes.

AA membership is open to anyone who has a “desire to stop drinking”. It is up to individuals to decide when they have had enough.

Alcoholics Anonymous in Galway can be contacted by telephoning (085 ) 7537 100 or (085 ) 2244 063 from 12 noon to 10pm seven days a week. These telephones are manned by volunteers. You can also visit the Galway AA website at which contains more information on AA fellowship and contact details in Galway.


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