Lose the weight or gain a beard

Cappataggle residents may well become the slimmest in the county if a novel fundraising idea takes off.

The Cappataggle community and surrounding parishes of Aughrim, Kilconnell, Kilrickle, Killimordaly, and Mullagh are organising a sponsored 'lose the weight' competition in aid of the Galway Hospice and Cancer Care West.

And for those who are in perfect physical shape - men that is - there is also a sponsored beard-growing competition.

All participants are encouraged to raise €300 each in aid of cancer support services in Galway.

The event will run for six weeks over the Lenten period and participants must lose at least a stone, with the female participants losing half a stone.

The organisers say that any interested individuals who wish to undertake this challenge can weigh themselves privately and have their weight vouched for in a pharmacy or gym.

The beard growing competition is open to those who may not be carrying any excess baggage, but wish to enter into the spirit of the community effort - such as the hurlers.

Sponsorship cards and information for any interested people can be had by contacting Sean Stankard in Cappataggle; Catherine Finn, Aughrim; Ray Byrnes, Kilrickle; Maura Earls in the Earl Inn; PJ Gaynor in the Spinning Wheel; and Tim Broderick in Kilconnell.

There is a first prize of a weekend away for the individual losing the most weight over the six-week period.

For further information contact 087 2540169.


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