The shouting game plays out at city council

It is rare the Mayor of Galway Cllr Padraig Conneely finds himself out-muscled in the vocal department at Galway City Council meetings, but that’s what happened on Monday evening.

The meeting was drawing to a close, and as often happens at that stage, minds are tired, tempers are frayed, and everyone just wants to go home.

Councillors were talking across one another and voices were getting louder, so much so that the mayor could not hear himself think. “Will ye stop shouting up at me, I can’t hear you,” the mayor told the councillors.

“You were never bad at the auld shoutin’ yourself,” Cllr Brian Walsh was quick to reply.

“I was never as bad as ye lot!” came the, firmly tongue-in-cheek, response from Mayor Conneely.


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