Staying healthy at Christmas

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

"It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas." Yes it may only be November but shops have their decorations on display, the council is putting up Christmas lights, and the temperature is starting to plummet. And when December 25 arrives everyone indulges, from presents, lazing about on the sofa, to food and drink.

But here at, we have five tips to ensure you enjoy the Yuletide without having a big impact on your waistline.

Go easy on the booze

Over the festive period, the alcohol units can really add up. Mulled wine, Bucks Fizz, Baileys, brandy, the list is endless. However, by simply interspersing your alcoholic beverages with soft drinks or water, you can control those booze units while still enjoying the odd tipple.

Get moving

Yes it is freezing outside and it will most likely be raining but that is not an excuse to become a couch potato only moving muscles to feed oneself. If it is dry outside go for a walk - it will aid after dinner digestion. The more activity, the better it is for your tummy and those new clothes you were given. Remember if it snows, there is no reason for you not to be outside.

The Christmas dinner

The big one. Turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes, sprouts, broccoli, carrots, stuffing, gravy, I am drooling as I write this, however, it is believed the dinner at Christmas consists of 3,000 calories alone - more than the entire recommended daily intake for a grown man. The food involved in the Christmas dinner is very healthy as we get our five-a-day in one sitting but the problem is the sheer amount of food which will cause problems for your waistline as well as indigestion and heartburn.

Tip is to have a normal size dinner and once devoured, wait for 20 minutes to see if you are still hungry. It takes time for the brain to register if your stomach is full.

Do not forget about fruit

Fruit really gets forgotten about when it is Christmas. It is just not on the menu. But when you are partying and overindulging it is important to get your vitamins and minerals. Remember to eat fruit.

Think before you eat

At Christmas the feast is bountiful, especially the amount of chocolate and mince pies on display. Now by all means treat yourself but how many times have we opened a box of Roses or Quality Street and simply popped a few sweets in our months, simply because they were in front of us? If full, put down the chocolate.

And there you have it, five great tips to stay healthy over Christmas.

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