When you board a plane with small children in tow, no one is happy. No one wants to sit next to you. No one wants you behind them. No one wants you in front of them. I have discovered that when push comes to shove, no one else thinks your kids are so adorable when they are trapped with them on an airplane.
The following is just a few suggestions I would recommend when travelling with a baby and a toddler from my experience ……..
1. When traveling with a baby, always make sure to have an extra bottle and formula in case you lose one.
2. Pack many more nappies than you think you will ever need, and two packs of wipes: pack one small bag with absolute essentials that will always be with you. Make sure to have enough formula for one bottle, spit up rag, one nappy and a few wipes and one small toy.
3. ALWAYS bring an extra pair of clothing for all the children and for you as well. Trust me, you do not want to spend the flight covered in vomit or anything else that seems to happen when traveling.
4. Make sure to have plenty of extra plastic bags for soiled clothing and throwing away food and rubbish during the flight
5. During takeoff and landing, make sure to have kids drink or a dummy.
6. Once you land, let the other passengers off first. Make sure you have everything and carry baby in carrier until you exit so your hands are free for the other kids.
7. While waiting for the flight, let the kids walk around, let the baby crawl, use this time for exercise.
8. If this is your first trip with your children, plan for a slower pace than you might usually attempt. If you want to see more than one place, be realistic about what you can cover with little ones in tow.
9. Take your time.
10. Be prepared for the climate It’s simple advice, but children dressed comfortably for the weather will be happier in a new environment.
11. Antibacterial wipes and hand sanitizer are handbag essentials.
12. Don’t forget the medicine Whether they’re out of routine, jet-lagged, or eating less healthily, kids always seem to get ill on holiday. Dampen the impact of broken nights, packing an easy-to-swallow medicine such as Calpol
13. Check your passports Children’s passports only last five years and they have a habit of running out when you’re not looking. Allow at least four weeks to renew one.
14. And most Importantly Relax and enjoy this special time together
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