Who owns the Moon? — Everything you ever wanted to know about space law

Who owns the Moon? What laws do you have to observe if you venture into outer space? Can you sell property on other planets?

Galway Astronomy Club have a very interesting event at 7.30 pm next Monday night Nov 7 when an expert on the law governing outer space will be held in the Westwood House Hotel.

Dr Zeldine O’Brien is a practising Barrister at the Bar of Ireland and holds a Ph.D on international space law. She has guest lectured in space law and policy at the School of Physics in UCD and the Department of Engineering at the University of Glasgow.

She currently lectures at the Institute of Public Administration. In this talk she will look at the fascinating and little-known area of international space law, at the series of laws and treaties that attempt to govern and control what we can and cannot do in space, and with the objects with which we share the solar system.

For further details about Galway Astronomy Club and our full programme of the seasons planned lectures/ work shops log unto www.galwayastronomyclub.ie or contact Brian MacGabhann (Chairman ) at 085-7298831


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