NaPro, the restorative approach to your gynaecological health and natural fertility, available again in the west

After providing NaPro FertilityCare for 10 years in the Galway Clinic and for one year in the Beacon Court in Dublin, Dr Caroline Guindon has started to practice again in Galway. Her practice opened on October 4 in the Arlington House Medical Centre in Oranmore.

This medical centre is strategically located just off the Oranbeg roundabout in Oranmore, and Dr Guindon said she is delighted to become part of the dynamic team there.

NaProTechnology provides treatment for women’s health and treatment for married couples suffering from infertility and repeated miscarriages. Identifying and treating the underlying causes – both medically and surgically – and optimising the woman’s cycles increase the chance for the couple to conceive through a natural act of intercourse and reduce greatly the risk of miscarriage. In many cases, sperm parameters can also be significantly improved.

Most couples would rather improve their own fertility potential first and NaProTechnology provides a very successful alternative to IVF, at a fraction of the cost.

The success rate for infertility is at least comparable to IVF, and for repeated miscarriages it can be as high as 80 per cent, depending on age and underlying causes.

Hormones levels are monitored during pregnancy and progesterone support is provided from the time of the positive test. An early pregnancy scan is performed as early as three weeks after the positive test – seven weeks' gestation.

The FertilityCare System allows women to monitor and maintain their procreative and gynaecological health over a lifetime and NaProTechnology also provides extremely effective treatment for premenstrual symptoms, irregular cycles, pelvic pain, and post-partum depression.

Dr Guindon is a member of the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals (AAFCP - ), a certified FertilityCare medical consultant (CFCMC ), and a member of the Irish Fertility Society.

She is now available to welcome patients – both existing and new – in her new practice at NaProTechnology & FertilityCare, Arlington House Medical Centre, Old Dublin Road, Oranbeg Roundabout, Oranmore, Co Galway. Contact the NaPro practice at 083 8824815. To book an initial consultation only, call Norah on 087 7218140. For directions see For medical queries email

Opening hours are Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, 9am to 5pm.


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