Help Debenhams to keep Galway’s beaches tidy

An annual beach litter survey and clean-up will take place this Saturday August 9, at Ballyloughane Beach, Renmore.

Mantaray clothing range at Debenhams, supporting the Marine Conservation Society (MCS ), is calling people of Galway to join the MCS army of volunteers in turning the tide on litter. The meeting place for the clean up is the lifeguard hut at 2.30pm.

The Marine Conservation Society’s annual beach litter survey and clean-up takes place over the weekend on beaches all over the UK and Ireland. MCS is asking for volunteers to come and join the staff at Debenhams, as well as local residents associations, to help wildlife by spending a couple of hours at the local MCS Beachwatch event to tackle the problem of beach litter, and make this weekend’s event the biggest ever.

A spokesperson from Debenhams said Mantaray Clothing line is committed to helping the environment, that’s why when you buy from the Mantaray collection we will donate funds each year to the MCS to help the charity continue to care for our seas, shores and wildlife.

“Debenhams would like to take this opportunity to thank the Galway County Council and the local residents association for their continued support and involvement with this project.”


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