Riasc Na Rí, Bóthar Stiofáin available

DNG Maxwell Heaslip and Leonard has a number of quality family homes listed in the western suburbs which are proving very popular with the first time buyer market especially with the new incentives announced in Budget 2016.

One such property is just off Bóthar Stiofáin, close to the Western Distributor Road at Riasc Na Rí and is in show house condition according to the agent Alan Maxwell. This three bedroom home is owner occupied and comes with a host of many extras including a fully converted attic space, decking to rear, and first class finishes throughout.

This property is in walk in condition and would make a perfect first home at a very attractive €269,000.

The city, NUIG and UCHG are a short distance from the property with a range of schools, shops, and sports facilities within walking distance.

Viewings of this and the full range of second hand properties in this area can be made by contacting 091 565261 or viewing online at www.dnggalway.ie


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