Aindrias De Staic - hobo to boho to Soho

Aindrias De Staic & The Latchikós to play The Loft at Seven

AINDRIAS DE STAIC - actor, singer-songwriter, theatre maker, performer, author - Galway city's wild Renaissance man will display his many talents on the stage of The Loft at Seven, this weekend.

Aindrias, and his band The Latchikós, will perform their exciting fusion of poetry, blues, and Gypsy violin, or as they call it Gyp-Hop (Gaelic Gypsy hip-hop ) this Saturday from 11pm.

Starting as a busking band in Galway, The Latchikós gained international popularity in 2013 after supporting the Saw Doctors on their US tour. Following their selection for the Folk Alliance showcase in Toronto, The Latchikós played Glastonbury, Body & Soul, Calgary Folk Music Festival, Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann, Halifax International Busker Festival, and played alongside The Waterboys at The Vancouver Folk Festival.

In 2015, Aindrias co-wrote and appeared as front man in the Rolling Tav Revue's wildly popular YouTube and chart hit protest song, 'No Privatisation - Irish Water, Irish Nation'. 'Off To Bondi Junction' also became a YouTube hit, showing a humorous contrast between the wet west of Ireland and sunny Sydney beaches. The song reached No 2 in Ireland's folk music charts and the band appeared on SKY TV and TG4.

The Irish Times has called Aindrias and The Latchikós "a demented trad trio" who can whip "an already frothing crowd into a frenzy". Tickets are €10.


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