With Region of Gastronomy award for Galway, Food Safety Company expands into west

Mary Daly, Managing Director of the Food Safety Company has announced the further expansion of The Food Safety Company to the West of Ireland.

Mary and her experienced team of consultants are already based nationwide; in Cork, Kerry, Waterford and Dublin. As Galway has been named the ‘European Region of Gastronomy 2018’ and ‘European Capital of Culture 2020’, it is a timely move forward for the Food Safety Company and for food businesses in the West who will require their services and expertise.

Ms Daly said at her launch that ‘Galway has a vibrant food culture and that her support service will underpin growth, reduce mistakes and add a distinctive professional edge.

“The Food Safety Company offers accredited food safety training, grant aided. It helps businesses with HACCP development, manages alleged food poisoning complaints, thus reducing the chance of litigation.

“Additionally, the company conducts hygiene audits to ensure compliance and professionalism. The Food Safety Company has a proven track record with all food businesses, from local cafés, hotels, restaurants, bakers, butchers, and care homes.

“With the Food Safety Authority of Ireland closure orders averaging three a week, this highlights how Food Safety Legislation is being actively enforced. As an introductory offer, The Food Safety Company is reducing the fee for the course ‘Level 2 Food Safety Training’ which takes place in Galway on September 28 by 30 per cent.

“To hear more about our offer and to reserve a place on this training, please visit The Food Safety Company webpage at: www.thefoodsafetycompany.ie or phone Colleen Devlin on 0834659384.


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