The local gardai are taking part in National Property Recovery Day next Thursday September 22. This is a national initiative designed to reunite property which has been recovered by An Garda Síochána with its rightful owner.
Oranmore Garda Station is the headquarters for the initiative and the Garda station will be open for members of the public to view property from 9am to 5pm. Property will also be available to view on line via the Garda website
A Garda spokesperson says that while most property recovered by An Garda Síochána is immediately returned to its owners, particularly in the recovery of property stolen in the course of theft and burglaries, there are cases where the gardai are unable to identify the owner and the property remains in Garda custody.
In addition on the day, the public, and victims of crime will be able to avail of the services of crime prevention officers and victims services.
For further information on this event, contact the Galway Divisional Office at 091 538011, or