Exercise — medicine for your heart health

Exercise4Health is back this October, helping the people of Galway take control of their heart health. This programme, designed specifically for those who due to a number of health issues are reluctant to engage in exercise, those who are new to exercise, and those who see exercise as their medicine to engage in a meaningful, evidence based, fitness programme.

“The programme has been very successful over the past year with many participants improving their cardiovascular fitness, decreasing their risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and overall participants are living healthier lives,” says Croi’s specialist cardiac physiotherapist, Denise Dunne.

Being physically active prevents and helps control a multitude of health problems, especially heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. Exercise4Health provides a locally accessible fitness solution and opportunity for those with diabetes, heart disease, pulmonary disease, those recovering from stroke or cancer, or those with breathing difficulties or other long-term health conditions, to commence a safe and beneficial exercise programme. The programme is ideally suited to anyone trying to reduce weight or indeed improve overall health and wellbeing.

The six-week rolling exercise programme is specially designed to suit all levels of current fitness. Prior to enrolling in the class all individuals will be assessed to ascertain current fitness levels. “The social interaction and group inclusion is also a vital part of the benefits of the programme, over the last year it has been a pleasure to see the many friendships develop between members of the group, with everyone enjoying a cup of tea/coffee at the end of each exercise session,” says Ms Dunne.

Participants love the programme, with testimonials from last year’s group suggesting it is now a fun routine part of their week: “Just brilliant, did things I never do,” and, “Enjoyed all aspects of the programme, the structure was excellent and the variety of exercise very good”. Above all participants commented that “it helps me to continue on the right track”.

Croi, Kingfisher, and NUI Galway are supporting World Heart Day on September 29 and now is as good a time as any to pick up the phone and book in to help power your life.

The Exercise4Health programme is starting back on October 6 and takes place in the Kingfisher Fitness Club at NUI Galway from 1pm to 2pm every Thursday.

For further information or to book a place call Croí now on 091 544310.


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