emorial Walk on Sunday September 11.
This year the foundation has introduced an online registration facility, available at www.galwayhospice.ie Michael Craig, the fundraising manager at Galway Hospice, says the new online registration option gives people the choice of either completing registration forms in the traditional sense, or registering for the walk via the Galway Hospice website.
"Online registration not only streamlines the process but it also helps to reduce costs," he said.
Those wishing to take part in this year’s memorial walk must register in advance. It will begin at 12 noon from the Claddagh Hall, following the traditional coastal route to Blackrock and return - a total distance of 6.5km.
Participants do so in remembrance of a deceased family member, friend or work colleague, with many wearing the name of their loved one on specially personalised t-shirts, provided by the Hospice. The closing date for participants requiring personalised t-shirts is Friday August 26.
The demand for hospice services continues to increase. To meet this need, additional specialist nurses have been appointed to the home care team and six additional inpatient rooms have been built and opened as planned.
"Without the generosity of the people of Galway, none of these developments would have been possible” said Michael Craig. “We also completed the construction of a new entrance onto the Dublin Road and provided additional car parking for visitors and families. The people of Galway can see at first hand where their contributions are being spent, which is the beauty of supporting their local Hospice”.
Currently, Galway Hospice must raise €1.8 million each year to continue providing Home Care and Day Care services, which depend hugely on voluntary contributions. The Memorial Walk is Galway Hospice’s biggest annual fundraising event, and it has become a very special and deeply personal event for the people of Galway. It is hoped that, as this is the 11th year of the Walk, people will continue to come out in large numbers to walk in memory of their loved ones.
“The Galway Memorial Walk is an opportunity for people to walk and remember their loved ones. To watch the sea of white t-shirts trailing along the Prom is both emotional and uplifting” said Mary Nash, CEO of Galway Hospice. “It is also an opportunity for people, through their sponsorship, to help ensure the ongoing free availability of Hospice care for those who need the services in to the future.”
Michael Craig highlighted the fact that in recent years a number of bogus collectors have been going door to door claiming to be collecting for the Hospice.
"We urge the public to be vigilant and to only subscribe to someone they know. The hospice discourages people from sponsoring anyone they do not know, through messages printed on Hospice sponsorship cards."
For more information on how to register for the 2016 Galway Memorial Walk contact Galway Hospice on (091 ) 770868 or email fundraising@galwayhospice.ie or log on to www.galwayhospice.ie