From slimming to a new beginning

Bridie Williams has struggled with her weight since childhood, leaving her feeling miserable and self-conscious. This feeling of despair led to a vicious cycle of crash dieting, losing weight, and quietly gaining it all back and more each time.

In September 2014, she finally decided it was time to take control back of her life and after seeing a banner for the local Slimming World group she decided to join. “I was so nervous that it took me two weeks to get the confidence to actually go through the doors,” she recalled. Bridie could not believe how different Slimming World was to any other club she had ever been a part of. “I was greeted at the front door by my consultant Kim and her friendliness and compassion inspired me to think that this would be different.

“I was told that I could eat fruit, veg, fish and meat, potatoes, pasta, eggs, and rice in unlimited amounts, and instantly was hooked. My favourite meal was shepherd’s pie and chips and I could have this as often as I wanted and lose weight… it’s amazing.”

She learned a new way of life, still enjoying a glass of wine with dinner, and her weight just fell off. “I’m two stone 7lb lighter and I can’t believe it.” Bridie had great support each week in group and loved it so much that she has decided to open her own Slimming World group on a Saturday morning in Killannin Community Centre, Roscahill, starting September 3 at 9.30am.

If you would like to find out more contact Bridie on 083 8616196. For career opportunities with Slimming World contact Niamh on 087 9638809.


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