Maree/Oranmore FC resume new season training

Older boys age groups (U11 to U18 ) return to training over the next few days in what promises to be an exciting season for Maree/Oranmore FC.

The club's Junior A side had a good workout in Oranmore on Saturdaywhen they hosted Craughwell United in a preseason challenge.

Both the Junior A and B sides continue training Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7.30pm on the new Maree pitches at rear of Maree Community Centre.

The junior A manager Emelyn Long is happy with progress at this early stage, and anybody interested in helping with the girls' sides are asked to contact Siobhan on 085 7250930.

The club's younger children (U5 to U10 ) will return to action on Saturday September 10 in Oranmore.

Cub registration will be open on linefor all club age groups, details will be posted on club facebook and Club jerseys, togs and socks canbe purchased in McInerneys Sports Orantown Centre.

The club is also seeking a secretary for the new season 2016/2017. Those interested can contact chairman Alan 087-7681243.

For further details visit us on our facebook page or text 087 9806489


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