Two men fined and disqualified for ‘wheelies’ in park

Public parks are not for boy racers, says judge

A public park is not for boy racers, said a district court judge this week before fining and disqualifying two friends who were caught doing “wheelies” on a busy Sunday morning.

Darius Sarapaievas with an address at Summerfields Apartments, Claregalway and Padraic McDonagh (25 ) with an address at Knockdoe, Claregalway, were both brought before Judge Mary Fahy at Galway District Court last Monday.

Inspector Sean Glynn told the court that on August 24, 2008, at Renville Park, Oranmore, at 8am a person who had been walking in the vicinity told gardai that they had seen a car with two males on board driving at speed and pulling handbrake turns. Gardai observed the defendants “changing drivers” and going up the hill and back down. The court heard that a number of photographs were taken and that it had been a Sunday morning.

“That’s a day when people bring their children and go for walks,” said Judge Fahy.

The solicitor for the defendants explained that Sarapaievas was not the owner of the car and that “he was just doing wheelies with a friend”.

“Is that all? You make it sound so innocent. That’s a public park which is always used by people. It’s not there for boy racers,” replied Judge Fahy.

The solicitor went on to say that McDonagh, who was the owner of the car, regrets what he did and that he did have insurance but he allowed someone to drive who was not insured.

Inspector Glynn told the court that while Sarapaievas has no previous convictions, McDonagh on the otherhand has one for drink driving in October 2006 for which he received a fine and a two-year disqualification. The court heard that the driving licence, which was a provisional, had been restored to him and that he had not been disqualified at the time of this offence.

“It just shows the level of respect he has for his licence,” said Judge Fahy, who imposed a €600 on McDonagh for the dangerous driving charge and disqualified him from driving for 12 months. For allowing another to drive without insurance he was fined €300.

Sarapaievas was fined €600 and disqualified for 12 months for the dangerous driving. For driving without insurance he was fined €400. Both men were given three months to pay the fines.


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