Outback Jacks Ballybane marks second birthday with great sale

Outback Jacks - Galway’s home for outdoor gear and active sports wear is two years old this August.

It is hard to believe, time has flown by for Derek and Maureen Walsh, owners of Outback Jacks. Outback Jacks is a locally-owned Galway business which provides people in the outdoors the gear they need to stay warm, dry, comfy and cosy whatever Mother Nature can throw at you.

To celebrate turning two, Outback Jacks has a massive sale on all clothing, footwear, and selected products. So shop early, shop often and get the best prices on all your favourite brands including Helly Hansen, Jack Wolfskin, Mizuno, Hi-Tec, Sprayway, Regatta, Vango.

Outback Jacks is the largest stockist of Vango Family inflatable tents and inflatable campervan awnings in the West of Ireland. They have also opened a tent display area to view the latest family inflatable tents so customers can experience the sheer convenience of inflating a family tent before purchase.

No more broken poles or fighting with the other half with Vango Airbeam tents — you just PUMP IT UP. Gone are the days of two people needed to put up the family tent. Mammies or Daddies can now take off with the kids on their own to their favourite campsite.

A six person family inflatable tent can be inflated in three minutes or less. The August Special offer includes a free tent carpet with every inflatable tent and footprint purchased.

Heading out or starting a trekking adventure across Europe or Asia this Autumn? Outback Jacks also have lightweight trekking adventure tents on display in their showroom. Are you or your group taking on the challenge of Kilimanjaro or the Camino in Spain?

Outback Jacks knowledgeable staff offer you a free fitting and advice service on all the products you need to assist you from base to peak. Specialised products to help with moisture management, clothing and footwear, such as merino base layers, down jackets, waterproof shell jackets with either 2 or 3 layer Gore Tex. T

Taking a year out from work or college?

Outback Jacks offer free rucksack fitting service to ensure the best of comfort when carrying all your kit, including ladies rucksacks.

In two years, Outback Jacks has become the largest stockist of Jack Wolfskin footwear in Ireland. From sandals to walking shoes, hiking boots that will get you up and down Croagh Patrick or walking the prom on a wet winter’s night.

Some Autumn Winter styles have arrived in store with the NEW Mizuno Gore tex Waterproof Runner suitable for running a trail or staying drying kicking the wall on the Salthill prom. The Michelin tyre company provide the grip on this new walking / trail shoe by using the tread pattern and rubber that is used on their car tyresOutback Jacks firmly believes in giving back to the community and supporting local sporting events.

Outback Jacks has supported the Annaghdown 5K and 10K & Breast Cancer Research by organising a Couch to 5K. Recently Outback Jacks has lent its support to Team Croí who are recruiting runners for the Streets of Galway 8K to raise money for Croi who fight heart disease and stroke.

Outback Jacks sale is on NOW, so get in and find yourself a bargain in Ballybane. You can call the shop on 091 761841 or check out the website SALE at www.outbackjacks.ie . They want to thank all their customers for all your local support for the past two years.


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