Public meeting tonight on offshore electricity generating station

A further public meeting will be held in Furbo tonight regarding plans to construct an offshore electricity generating station at An Spidéal/Na Forbacha.

The event will take place on Thursday July 21 at the Connemara Coast Hotel, Furbo.

Foras na Mara (the Marine Institute ) has applied for a foreshore lease to construct the facility. However, residents in the area have a number of concerns. They claim the consultation process was inadequate and are keen for further discussion.

Deputy Catherine Connolly said she welcomes both the extension of time for submissions on this project and the holding of a further public meeting.

“The original date for receipt of submissions has been extended to August 2 following representations made by Deputy Connolly to the Minister for the Environment, Simon Coveney.”

She said she raised the issue in the Dáil following urgent representations from residents in the area in relation to what they termed the “inadequacy of the consultation process”.

The local TD said she supports the concerns raised by the residents, and said the extension of time and the public meeting are to be welcomed in order to facilitate “meaningful consultation”.


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