It might be us. It should be us

And so it has come down to this. Ten people standing in front of about 10 others. And trying to sell an idea.

And hoping that they buy it. That they believe it.

That a trust is created between the seller and buyer. A trust that says what we say is the truth. What we say we will deliver, we will deliver. That the amount we want this, really want this, is real, is tangible, is intrinsic to everything that has been worked on for the past year.

We want them to know that we are not treating this as another Volvo Ocean Race, a fun event that came and went. But that this will be something that will be part of where we live, for the next century.

We might get it.

We should get it.

But there's no guarantee that we will get it.

We have the best bid, Galway IS the cultural capital of Ireland, now we want to be recognised within Europe.

We have to hope that political intervention will play no part in this, because we are selling Galway 2020 on its merits. A single location that is already a regional capital, that is a magnet for everything cultural in Ireland.

And the difference between success and non-success could be in millimetres.

I say non-success, because to not succeed will not be failure. Our cultural awareness has been raised throughout this process. Ownership is everywhere.

When a decision like the one Galway will be awaiting tomorrow (Friday ) is being made by humans, it is impossible to fully analyse or predict what will motivate the decider one way or the other.

It might be a practical logical assessment of our application. It might be an emotional and sensitive fact that will influence, or it could be a doubt or a niggle that sways it.

But there is little more we can do.

Today, the Galway team will make their last presentation of the application process. It has been a long road. One that has made a lot of people engage.

I spoke a few weeks back of the elderly lady who called into the Galway 2020 office to tip them off that "Kilkenny and Limerick are after this too and that I thought it was best that you know that."

What a wonderful story about the engagement of people in this process.

And let us hope that the drive and guts and pride it took for her to come into the office and tell them that, will be replicated by our team when they get up to speak and answer the questions to be put to them this morning in the National Concert Hall.

A city and county holds its breath. Go forth and do us proud.

And we’ve the kettle on for when the hard work starts on Monday morning. Bring it home, guys. Bring it home.


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