Trip to Dip at Salthill

For five consecutive days, starting this weekend, Gráinne McMacken will be travelling around the coastal counties in Ireland and 'taking a dip' in order to raise money for the Hope Foundation.

On Sunday July 10, she will be diving head first into the sea at Salthill before continuing her trip on the west coast.

"Trip to Dip will give me an opportunity to challenge myself both physically and mentally," said Ms McMacken.

"Getting into cold water in the rain, wind, and sun can be challenging in itself, not to mention the added 'excitement' of encountering some of our marine life, and coping with variable sea conditions.

"This will be an opportunity to connect with people in the different areas I visit, letting them know about Hope, and the work they do."

Starting her 'trip' in Cork, Ms McMacken will travel north along the west coast, visiting Kerry, Clare, Galway, and Mayo, before finishing her quest on July 31 in Benone Strand, Derry.

The money that she raises will go towards helping vulnerable Indian children who suffer from malnutrition and societal abuses on a daily basis.

"It is a huge country full of diverse cultures and customs, a country with an amazing history," said Ms McMacken. "There is so much beauty, yet it is mixed with great deprivation."

Ms McMacken is hoping to see supporters at each shoreline, and better yet, in the sea with her.

The Hope Foundation is an Irish charity, which was established 16 years ago by Cork woman Maureen Forrest.

Currently, the Hope Foundation is running more than 60 projects throughout India which offer protection, education, healthcare, and training, among a wide range of other services.

To follow Ms McMacken's trip, search 'Trip to Dip' on Facebook, or follow her on Twitter @g_mcmacken.

To donate,


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