A free public performance of George Bernard Shaw's anti-war play O'Flaherty VC is among the highlights on the calendar of events this month at Coole.
The play will be perfomed at Coole Park — the original inspiration for its setting — on Sunday July 24 at 2.30pm. This 100-year-old play still has a lot to say.
Giving a unique Shavian perspective of Ireland and WWI, Shaw’s anti-war recruitment play is as funny as it is contrary. Written in 1915, just six months before the Easter Rising, its setting was modelled on the front of Lady Gregory’s home at Coole. Not only a piece of dramatic literary history, it is a play which bears a great deal of relevance to the Ireland we live in today.
The play will be performed at its original setting in front of the site of Coole House.
The performance will be followed by a discussion with the audience on public reaction at the time, and also on its relevance today. Afterwards a short guided walk will be offered to highlight the connection George Bernard Shaw had with Lady Gregory and Coole.
No booking is required.
Wednesday July 13 sees the start of the popular weekly activity for children, ‘Open Your Eyes to Nature’. This takes place from 3pm to 4.30pm and continues each Wednesday afternoon at the same time throughout July. Exploring nature through the senses, children from five to 10 years are encouraged to discover the natural wonders of Coole through their own observations. Children must be accompanied by an adult and numbers are limited so booking is essential. No dogs are permitted during the sessions, except guide dogs.
Visitors can also explore the woodland or the visitor centre and view the multimedia exhibition Coole Park through the eyes of ‘Me and Nu’, granddaughters of Lady Gregory, or the 30 minute audiovisual presentation Lady Gregory of Coole. The last showing each day is at 5pm. Discover the magic that drew WB Yeats to Coole for more than 20 summers. Admission is free. The visitor centre is open from 10am to 6pm daily. Last admission is 5.45pm.
The tearooms are also open daily.
For enquiries, information, and bookings phone 091 631804 or email coolepark@ahg.gov.ie.