County councillor temporarily withdraws support for Console

Cllr Peter Roche says he is “disgusted” and “betrayed” and will be putting his support on hold for suicide prevention charity Console after the charity’s payment scandal was revealed in a Prime Time special last Thursday.

Console, which provides counselling to those who have been bereaved by suicide or those in crisis, is currently under investigation by gardaí and the HSE for financial mismanagement.

Cllr Roche who is an ambassador for the charity in Galway says he was is in total shock when informed of the revelations.

“It was the last thing that I expected to hear. I was bewildered, gobsmacked, sickened, and disgusted and did not know that the people at the top of an organisation, which plays such a central role in providing support services to people, could be so manipulative and had been consumed by greed and deception. I feel very let down.”

The councillor went as far saying he would support the charity being de-registered as was revealed in the Irish Independent on Monday.

“I would be the first to support delisting if what we read is fact. No one is beyond the law. There must be a very strict line of compliance with regards to charity organisations such as Console and it can never operate above the law. It must not be given any favours in terms of how it is managed. The structures must be the same as it would be for a company that is trading very successful. People at the top must go if they are guilty of what we read.”

Mr Roche revealed that he is currently withholding a cheque, raised for the charity at the Mayor’s charity ball, worth €2,200 and will not be supporting fundraising for Console until the investigation has been concluded.

“Fundraising for them [Console] is over until this review is complete as I have always held the view of that funds that were raised locally, stayed locally, which may not be the case now. I would like to highlight that my role with Console was voluntary and I was completely divorced from the financial and governance side of it.”

Although withdrawing his support for fundraising for the charity until the Console’s situation had been finalised, Cllr Roche still recommends the services Console offers.

“I believe we have never been in more demand. There was a 40 per cent increase in people using our service in the past two years. My number is available for anyone in crisis and I can meet people and take them to the service centre where they will receive comfort and care in their time of crisis. We have a centre in Galway that works very well and it is essential that it continues to work and support people.”


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