Learn all you need to know when starting a food business, at LEO event

The Local Enterprise Office, Galway will host a free informal and practical session on the practical steps you need to take to be compliant and safe in starting a food business or restaurant.

This will take place in the Portershed on July 5 from 6.30pm-8pm when Colleen Devlin from The Food Safety Company will facilitate the session and will discuss the following points with ample time given to questions and an open discussion with the group.

Ms Devlin will cover what you need to know and do about: Food Safety Management (HACCP ); Food Hygiene Training – Level 1 - Level 3 (mapped to FSAI equivalent ); Allergen Awareness and Menu Calorie Counting.

She is a qualified Environmental Health Officer, graduating in 2009 brings with her a wealth of experience in both the public sector (in Ireland and Australia ) and private sector. Ms Devlin is based in Galway and works with clients to provide food safety management and training services, to provide businesses with peace of mind that their business is fully compliant and that staff are fully trained.

Ms Devlin works with Mary Daly and Associates which was established in 2000 and they are the leading Food Safety Trainers and HACCP Professionals in Ireland. The company has developed considerably and now also offers Health and Safety and HR advice to a wide range of clients, from primary producers to caterers, literally from farm to fork.

They can assist you with Food Safety compliance requirements and HACCP issues and ensure both quality and safety in the workplace. Their clients can rest assured that they will support them with their professional and personable expertise.This is an essential information session for anyone who has a small food business or is thinking of setting up a food business.

To register for this free event please email: leonetworking@leo.galwaycoco.ie or cal 091 50 90 90 to book your place.


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