Album reviews: 50FOOTWAVE and Wesley Fuller

50FOOTWAVE - Bath White EP (HHBTM Records) and Wesley Fuller - Melvista EP (1965 Records)

50FOOTWAVE - Bath White EP (HHBTM Records )

50FOOTWAVE IS one of Kristin Hersh's numerous musical outlets, one which can be seen as Throwing Muses in all but name, given its other key member is Muses bassist Bernard Georges.

Harsh and Georges, along with drummer Rob Alhers, have been a going concern since 2004, outside of Hersh solo and Throwing Muses, and 50FOOTWAVE are like a heavier version of Throwing Muses, with added metal/grunge riffage.

For long time fans, this EP is definitive Kristin Hersh, with the title track and 'Human' particularly, displaying her idiosyncratic, unconventional, indie/alternative rock to great effect. So no real surprises, but its very satisfying and great to see Hersh still delivering quality songs more than 30 years into her career.

Wesley Fuller - Melvista EP (1965 Records )

STARTING WITH a drumbeat that demands a 'Metal Guru' style 'Wo-ho-ho Yeah-ah-yeah'ah!", from a singer with a head of Bolan-esque curls, you can be forgiven for expecting these five songs to be glam.

Very quickly though, opener 'Change Your Mind' sees Fuller reveal that his real debt is owed to fellow Aussies Tame Impala, and while Fuller demonstrates a Kevin Parker-style facility for a great melody, neatly mixing indie-rock with psychedelia - there's a touch of The Cars as well - his indebtedness is too obvious, and is something he needs to work past.

Evidence he will comes with the title track's muscular chug and stomp, and the sunshine basked 'Runaway Renee', an inspired slice of melodic indie-pop, where the psychedelia, though with clear echoes of the past, is far more approaching something all Fuller's own.


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