Films sought for One Minute Film Festival

THE ONE Minute Film Festival, where filmmakers and film fans can shoot a 60 second HD film, on any subject or story, returns as part of this year's Galway Film Fleadh.

Galway City of Film is inviting entries. The best 30x1 minute films will be selected by a panel of judges and screened at a special public event at the fleadh, which runs from July 5 to 10. There will be prizes of €500 for Best Film and €300 and €200 for the runners-up. The winning films will be available to watch on the websites of all organisations involved, after the fleadh.

Entry to this competition is free. All genres are welcome, including documentary, live action, art-house, and animation. The deadline for entries is 4pm on Thursday June 23.

To enter, Wetransfer your film (mov/.mp4, H264, Apple Pro Res ) and a still from the film; along with a Vimeo/Youtube link to Only one film per entrant is accepted. There must be copyright/permission for the music used. Entries must have been made since July 2015. • Duration limit is 90 seconds including credits.


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