Osteoporosis is a silent disease affecting one in two women and one in four men over the age of 50 in Ireland, although all age groups can be affected.
The Osteoporosis Clinic Ireland is a multi disciplinary clinic for bone health providing nutritional therapy, bone density scanning, and specific physiotherapy designed exercises for people with osteopenia or osteoporosis. It also offers the opportunity of early diagnosis for those predisposed to this disease.
A number of GPs are currently referring their patients to the clinic. The overall consensus is that combining a diet, exercise, and supplement plan, along with bisphosphonate treatment when prescribed, is the way forward.
Susan Boland, nutritional therapist, DipIHS, NTOI fitness coach, IETA, will tailor a protocol to your specific needs using natural interventions, bone-supportive nutrients from the diet, and nutritional supplements.
Karen Byrne, RGN, bone densitometrist, provides on-site ultrasound bone density scans for clients. The scan is non-invasive and radiation free. A bone profile blood test as well as specific nutrient testing will be reviewed.
The clinic's chartered physiotherapists use the most up to date exercises to target the muscles, making the bones tougher and less vulnerable to fracture, improving posture, and increasing bone density.
Why do you need to see Osteoporosis Clinic Ireland?
Osteoporosis is preventable and treatable, therefore early detection is key.
So visit Osteoporosis Clinic Ireland and start your journey to healthy bones.
Contact Susan Boland at 086 8580500, or Karen Byrne 087 2360877, email info@osteoporosisclinicireland.com, or see www.osteoporosisclinicireland.com