An Mheitheal Rothar to host meeting this evening

This Thursday May 26 at 7pm An Mheitheal Rothar (Galway’s Community Bike Workshop ) will be hosting an open meeting for anyone who might like to get involved in volunteering, or other groups who might like to collaborate for the Galway City launch of Bike Week 2016 on Saturday June 11. If you have never been to the workshop before it is the perfect opportunity to visit, have tea and see what An Mheitheal Rothar is all about. Feel free to bring a friend too.

Some of the ways to get involved are; the event planning, preparations or publicity; helping set up the marquee, decorations or stewarding maintenance, etc, on the day; running some fun activities or entertainment on the day - if you have skills you would like to bring An Meitheal Rothar would be more than happy to utilise them; and helping to build an interactive sculpture which will be present on the day.

An Mheitheal Rothar will be going through things in more more detail this Thursday and would like to hear if there are ideas for how to make the day as enjoyable as possible. Building on a project of last year in which An Mheitheal Rothar visited eight city primary schools and two community locations, the organisation is planning for the day to involve lots of cycling games and activities for young people, as well as general maintenance demonstration and safety checks for everyone else.

If anyone is unable to make the meeting but still has some ideas or would like to get involved email or conatct 091-494347.

A link to the facebook event for Thursday is here:


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