Justin Conboy to launch debut novel

Galway writer's new cyber/espionage thriller Code Thief out now

CODE THIEF, the debut novel by Galwayman Justin Conboy, about a hacker, a CIA agent, and the development of a super-virus to end the Iranian Nuclear Program, will be launched in Charlie Byrne's Bookshop tomorrow at 6.30pm.

A young hacker, Dylan Charles, is caught hacking into the CIA database and is subsequently entrapped by CIA cyber agent John McGovern, into helping the CIA develop a super-virus to end the Iran's nuclear programme. The story follows Dylan and his family, along with John and his team of cyber agents, from Iran to Iraq, and all the way to Wall Street.

"I started putting the skeleton of the story together last January 2015," says Justin. "I was actually studying for my fourth year engineering degree in NUIG at the time. I didn't purposely choose to write a book in the middle of my final semester. I had the full book in my head at that time and needed to get it on to paper."

Code Thief is available via Kindle, while physical editions are available through Amazon.

Justin talks more about Code Thief and reads a passage from the book in this week's Advertiser Podcast. Listen at https://soundcloud.com/advertiserpodcasts


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