Why wait?

Why wait to get that summer body you long for, or to fit into that outfit you spent a fortune on some time ago, and now dread to even attempt to put it on? Are you "waiting" for the weight to disappear? You know that is not going to happen, unless you make some changes to your lifestyle and eating habits.

By joining your local Weight Watchers class you will find that you will lose weight with the encouragement of your class leader and the other members of the class (who all know the journey you are on ), you will improve your health as you will take on a healthier lifestyle with smarter food choices, getting a little more active and putting yourself first for a change. You will learn that losing weight is not having to give up your old life, instead it is getting your mojo back so that you will enjoy your life more when you look forward to dressing up and going out.

Weight Watchers is all about lifetime changes, not just for the upcoming event. Weight Watchers believes that all food is good and there are no bad foods, just a little too much of some rather than others. None of us have a weight problem because we ate too many carrots. If you have not been to a class before or have not been for some time, there is a new programme called SmartPoints which is having great results so far this year. It is simple and anyone can follow it, no matter what your dietary needs are.

Remember, life if brighter when you are lighter. For more information visit www.weightwatchers.ie or call 1850 234 123. For Weight Watchers at home call 056 7722276


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