Exceptional facilities at SALI Childcare

SALI Childcare Service Ltd is a quality and affordable pre and afterschool service located in the grounds of the Mercy Primary School, St Francis Street, Galway. It is open from 8.15am to 6pm and caters for children from two and a half to 12 years of age.

The childcare service has full use of the primary school, which boasts exceptional facilities such as two large, bright, spacious, and fully equipped (including a smart interactive white board ), preschool and afterschool rooms, a safety surface outdoor area with a big slide and see saws, a large hall with a fully stocked PE equipment room, as well as a kitchenette for baking and preparation of healthy and nutritious snacks.

SALI operates under the ECCE scheme (free pre-school for eligible children ) and the CCS (Community Childcare Subvention ) scheme, which offers subsidised childcare for parents in receipt of State benefits. It also offers subsidised afterschool places under the Training and Employment Programme. Children from four to 12 years of age are collected from local national schools (the Mercy Primary School, St Patrick’s National School, and St Nicholas’ Parochial School ) and provided with a hot meal and afternoon activity programme in an environment suitable to their needs, suitably equipped and with a diverse range of activities.

Open viewing will take place from 9.30am to 12.30pm on Tuesday May 3 and Wednesday May 4. Call in to view the service, meet the staff, and get more information on enrolments.


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