Time for a Makeover?

In association with Advertiser Classifieds, your local Classifieds website

There are times when we just feel plain dowdy. Life is busy, and between work and possibly child-minding, it is hard to get time for titivating. There is nothing like that feeling of walking out of the hairdresser with a freshly styled glossy mane, or leaving the beauty salon after some badly needed beauty treatments. Make time for yourself this spring and book an appointment, and an hour or two away from the stresses of everyday life. Check out www.classifieds.advertiser.ie to find all your local hair and beauty services.

After your make-over, why not treat yourself to some new clothes to top of your pampering experience. The spotlight is firmly on Victorian inspired dressing for spring/summer with a focus on layering and florals. Overall the looks for this season are romantic and futuristic with the common theme of celebrating the confident, desirable, and independent woman.

Look inside your wardrobe. Are you met with a riot of cheery colours or are your choices drab and dreary? The latter fall into the category of 'pull you down' outfits, ones which no amount of make-up or accessories can rescue. They seem to drain you of colour and life. Bright colours, on the other hand, can make you look bright and healthy and can appear to take years off your image.

While out shopping, make sure to harness the power of colour. It not only makes us look attractive it can affect how we feel. Begin by finding out which colours suit you best. If you are unsure hold outfits in different shades close to your face and see which ones make you look great. Your true colours will make you look vibrant whereas the incorrect shades will do nothing for you or at worst, make you look washed out.

Health and beauty service providers can advertise on the Advertiser's classified website for as little as €4 per month, and can attach up to 10 images to the ad, check out www.classifieds.advertiser.ie for more details.


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