Galway Anti Racism Network to launch next week

The Galway Anti Racism Network will be officially launched next week, seeking to unite the different cultural, ethnic, and community groups in Galway around principles of solidarity and equality.

The launch takes place on Thursday April 7 in the Rowing Club, Woodquay, and speakers and representatives have been invited from the local Roma community, the Galway Traveller Movement, asylum seeker advocate organisations, African taxi drivers working in the local taxi industry, the local Muslim community, and others.

The group has already discussed linking up with the Galway 2020 campaign on future events and it will potentially work with the local gardaí on the provision of ethnic liaison officers.

Joe Loughnane, one of the group's organisers, is calling on the public to support the GARN. "There are a number of ways in which people can help build the base for a solid anti-racism network in Galway," he said. "Add your logo to our promotional poster for the launch and spread the information about the launch through your various channels - email, Facebook, Twitter."

The group is also planning a banner-making day on Sunday and those going to the launch are encouraged to suggest some slogans for display. For more information see Facebook, @galwayantiRN on Twitter, or email galwayunitesgainst


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