Galway based non-profit organisation ProActivate Ireland is holding two healthy living events for people aged 50-plus as part of an EU funded project it developed and coordinated called Active I: Healthy Active Living for Seniors. The sports event will take place in Krakow, Poland, from April 1 to 3 and will comprise a variety of events and activities aimed at healthy living for older adults.
Here in Galway, a healthy living workshop will be held at the ProActivate premises on Dominick Street on April 28 from 11am to 1pm to talk about the project and present the online health living planner it has produced, Plan 50+. This workshop is free, lunch is included, and a seminar on motivation from Active I trainer and expert life coach Diarmuid Lavelle is included.
Active I was developed in response to Europe’s rapidly aging population. By 2025 one third of the EU population will be over 60 years of age and, with more seniors leading sedentary lives, there is a growing need to educate older people about ways in which they can be healthier. ProActivate Ireland assembled an international consortium of experts in senior health and has developed a comprehensive course in physical activity, nutrition, and mental wellbeing for people aged 50 and over, as well as the online healthy living planner, Plan 50+, which will be the focus of the upcoming workshop. The sports event in Krakow marks the project drawing to a close and gives participants the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities, including swimming, walking, rock climbing, and cooking demonstrations and also to get tips from professional physiotherapists, dieticians, and trainers, all against the beautiful backdrop of Poland’s old medieval capital.
To find out more or register for the sports event in Krakow, visit or email This event is free except for a nominal registration fee of 50 Polish zloty (approximately €12 ). To register for the free workshop here in Galway, contact ProActivate directly at 091 566759 or