Closing date for submissions on city development plan

The closing date for receipt of submissions and observations on the new Draft Galway City Development Plan is tomorrow at 4pm. All members of the public are entitled to make submissions.

The draft plan is the blueprint for the city for the next six years, and sets out where the roads, water supplies, sewage are to be provided. It also zones land for particular purpose - housing, schools, industry, commercial - which will affect what type of buildings can be constructed and the use of land.

Labour city councillor Niall McNelius is encouraging the public to make its views known on the plan. “It is really important people send submissions in,” he said, “as this plan will affect the daily economic and social life of where you live, work, and visit, and also what services are available and future job opportunities.”

Submissions should be marked Draft Galway City Development Plan and posted to the Senior Planner, Planning Department, Galway City Council, City Hall, College Road, Galway, or emailed to Full details are available on


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