Web site design for beginners

An exciting introductory and user friendly course on how to create your own web site will be run in GMIT starting tonight Thursday February 12. The lecturer and course director is Dr Robert J. Loughnane who has specially prepared this course for those people who have little or no previous knowledge of website development.

This new course will introduce course participants to all aspects of website development (HTML commands, JavaScript, positioning images and slide shows ). This course will also introduce participants to professional presentation (style sheets ) and good design management (backgrounds and banners ). Places on this course are strictly limited so you should book early to avoid disappointment.

What makes this web site design for beginners course unique is that Dr Loughnane will demonstrate to participants a number of live websites that were developed in GMIT. These websites are digital media friendly and therefore easy to update. Each participant will also be given a demonstration of how to upload their web sites (FTP ) .

Dr Bob would like to take this opportunity to welcome back his night class students attending Computers for Beginners (Levels I and II ) which start next week. The very high demand for these courses has inevitably caused many people to be disappointed in failing to secure a place. Dr Loughnane wishes to advise that he will be running two more Computers for Beginners courses starting on Tuesday and Wednesday April 21 and 22. Please contact GMIT as soon as possible to enquire about places on these courses.

The course will run over each weeks and will be held each Thursday (7pm to 10pm ) with the cost of the course is €170 per person. To enquire about a place please telephone GMIT at 091 – 753161 Ext 2145 (direct dial 742145 or 742270 or mobile 087 2302056 ) and ask for Lifelong Learning.

You may also book your place by sending a cheque (made payable to GMIT ) to Lifelong Learning, GMIT, Dublin Road, Galway. Please include your name, address and telephone number.


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