The City Bin Co makes €35,000 Charity BinPact

Local waste company, The City Bin Co, has pledged to donate more than €35,000 to Irish charities, including the Galway Hospice, through its new BinPact initiative.

BinPact is a people-empowered platform, which allows each employee of The City Bin Co to nominate a charity of his/her choice to receive a weekly monetary donation from the company. Ever aware of the company’s corporate social responsibility, The City Bin Co. was determined to support an initiative that was meaningful for employees.

Galway Hospice was one of a number of charities chosen by The City Bin Co. employees. The donations it receives will help support the specialist palliative care provided through essential home care and day care services to patients throughout Galway city and county. Currently these services, together with bereavement support, cost €1.8 million per year to provide, and depend hugely on voluntary contributions to reach this annual target.

CEO of The City Bin Co, Gene Brown, says the company is delighted to take part in the initiative. "Incentivising people to engage by giving back to charity that is of personal significance to them gives people moments of happiness. When employees feel engaged by giving back, they have a stronger sense of purpose at work. We are thrilled that our employees have the opportunity to choose causes that are meaningful to them and, with the help of The City Bin Co, they can support them."

Fundraising Manager at Galway Hospice, Michael Craig, said this innovative fundraising initiative coincides with Galway Hospice’s approach to developing new fundraising concepts to support patients and families in our community who need our services. "On behalf of those patients and families, I would like to sincerely thank all at The City Bin Co."


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