Would you know what do to in an emergency?

Every day in Ireland 14 people die of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Often it is the first aid skills of passers-by or people near to the scene that can mean life or death for these victims. If you were that person who was first on the scene of an emergency, would you know what to do?

Surprisingly it is not only the aged population who fall prey to cardiac disorders. The hectic pace and stress associated with modern life has made younger people prone to heart disorders more than ever before. A person who has faced a cardiac attack in a location where no medical help is immediately available can survive if his companions are trained in CPR methods. Waiting for the doctor to arrive and start the treatment can often be fatal to a victim of cardiac attack. CPR helps a person who is facing breathing problems to inhale and exhale.

Learning the CPR training is not a time consuming affair. There are numerous organisations such as the Irish Red Cross which provides comprehensive training in CPR techniques. CPR doubles a person's chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest.

The Irish Red Cross now provides a Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council approved cardiac first responder course that covers basic life support, airway obstruction, cardiac chest pain, stroke, etc.

Fleming Medical Ltd supplies lifesaving AED defibrillators to all industrial and community sectors. Freephone 1800 307777 for more information.


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