Operation Educogym — my transformation of fifty six pounds in fifty six days

My name is Roger O'Sullivan and over the past six weeks I have dramatically changed my life expectancy.

I am 36 years of age and when I started Operation Educogym on Tuesday January 18 I weighed 316lb and my goal was to lose 56lb of fat in 56 days.

I am now in my sixth week and I have a totally different view on 'life fitness' than ever before as I have been educated so much about health, nutrition, body fat, and life fitness by the team at Educogym.

I am now counting the days until my daughter's christening when I hope to be in many photos that I will be proud to show to her in her future years as I explain to her that my transformation was for her and her brother, whom I love so very much.

I started as a 36-year-old father of two with a demanding career and a diet that had mostly consisted of high sugar and high carbohydrate foods. I had allowed myself reach a whopping 22.8 stone with a reading of 40 per cent body fat, which on the chart placed me in the class of morbidly obese. This, in simple terms, means that I would be considered in the very high risk category in relation to heart disease, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea, lipid problems, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dementia, cancer, and non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Needless to say this statistic is a very scary thought for anyone who is told they are at 40 per cent body fat.

Now, only six weeks later, thanks to the team at Educogym, I am delighted to report that I am now down to 29.6 per cent body fat, which means that I have transformed from 127lb of fat to 85.8lb of fat, and from 192lb of muscle to 204lb of muscle, which means that I am nearing a normal classification of 25 per cent body fat and have managed to achieve a staggering change to my statistical life expectancy by adding somewhere near to a further 15 years to my life expectancy. Now, to me, that represents a good investment of my time – six weeks' effort for 15 years extra (quite profound when you think about it – as my excuse was always not having the time ).

So, some of you will avoid the truth now, and fob it off, like me in the past, by saying, “we could all get hit by a bus tomorrow,” but the harsh reality is that being 'life fit' is what it’s about, and for me I cannot encourage you enough to undergo a free consultation at Educogym to understand where your health is now, and more importantly to find out how 'life fit' you are.

The team at Educogym will be holding a night at the g Hotel on March 16, that will offer you and your friends the chance to find out what they do and how their approach is different to other fitness offerings out there. The night will include a beautifully prepared four course meal by the nutritional chef at the g Hotel, and will see more than €5,000 in prizes given to the winners of the eight-week Operation Educogym competition. The night will also include a few celebratory drinks and music by the band Oddity afterwards, to celebrate the success of the Operation Educogym competition and the past eight years of business at Educogym Galway.

Tickets will be available in advance at the Educogyms in Oranmore and Kingston, and cost €40 per ticket, or a table for 10 can be purchased for €350. Aside from being a great night of fun and entertainment it will be the first step for many in changing their worlds, like, I am pleased to say, I have done.

I highly recommend that you get in touch with Educogym and join me on this life changing journey. Call Oranmore on (091 ) 788880 or Kingston (091 ) 523 904, or follow my progress on the Educogym Galway Facebook page.


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