Take A Leap and celebrate Leap Year

2016 IS a leap year, and this is the month with the extra day, and to mark the fact, an event entitled Take A Leap: A Celebration of Leap Year, will be held in the Galway Arts Centre.

Presented by Galway based events company Fold/Unfold, Take A Leap: A Celebration of Leap Year, is on Friday February 26 and Saturday 27, from 7.30pm to 10.30pm, featuring music, installations, theatre pop-ups, visual art, and live entertainment from singer-songwriter Tracy Bruen and the bands Until April and Mountain Man Band.

The event is curated by Dani Gill and Fintan Convery. It is the follow up to the Shipwrecked Dreams event at the GAC in November. Tickets are €12/6 and available from the GAC, 47 Dominick Street.


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