Record demand for weight loss tea this January at Therapie Clinic

You may have heard of Cha Yi tea, the slimming and detox tea that is causing a stir. This is no ordinary tea; far from it in fact, this is an amazing revolutionary tea blend which, because of its ancient Chinese herbal properties, is helping people everywhere to shed excess weight quickly, naturally, and safely, simply by drinking two cups of it every day.

Weight loss and detox could not be any easier than this. Oprah Winfrey is a fan of the tea, the 14 day teatox was a winner for her and now she uses the tea as part of her regular slimming routine.

The good news is, Cha Yi is available in Ireland exclusive to Therapie Clinic. The clinics have reported waiting lists around the country as Therapie has been struggling to meet the demand for tea both in store and online with many customers eager to aid new year weight loss using a more holistic approach.

“The response to Cha Yi Tea has been incredible, it’s flying off the shelves," said Therapie Clinic manager Deirdre O'Dowd. "The great thing about Cha Yi Tea is it’s 100 per cent natural, and has been proven to be effective in aiding weight loss and detox in a easy, safe, way.”

Cha Yi Tea originates from an ancient Chinese formula developed thousands of years ago, specifically to help with digestion. The blend contains lotus leaf, oolong green tea, and a number of other ancient Chinese herbs, all of which have been specially selected because of their proven natural ability to purify and cleanse the body, and to essentially act as a nuisance in stopping the body from storing up food as excess weight, and burn excess fat which is stored in the body. Drinking just two cups of lotus leaf Cha Yi weight loss tea a day over a 14 day period will help to increase weight loss by up to 50 per cent. It really is that simple...the natural properties of Cha Yi simply enhance digestion and prevent fat build up in the body. So, enjoy Cha Yi tea in the same way as you would any other cup of tea...except that you can also lose weight as you relax.

Cha Yi Tea is exclusively available from Therapie Clinic nationwide, including Shop Street, Galway. To find out more or buy your supply simply call the clinic at 091 539900.


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