Motorway construction must not exacerbate flooding warns Connaughton

Construction of the new N17/18 Tuam to Gort motorway “must not exacerbate flooding in north and south Galway”, as householders and land owners need to be “reassured” that flood risk is given “proper recognition” in the motorway’s design.

This is the view of Fine Gael Galway East TD Paul Connaughton, who said concerns that the new motorway will “exacerbate flooding in some areas along the route” has been repeatedly raised with him by constituents in recent weeks. The TD also said he will be contacting the relevant construction companies and Government departments “to verify that construction of the new motorway will not lead to any additional flooding”.

Dep Connaughton said the issue of a “viable and workable” relocation option for those who want to avail of such a measure must also be addressed by the Government; as does works to protect homes and farmland.

“Common sense must prevail across all departments,” he said. “The focus must remain on solving this problem, not creating obstacles to the necessary work. All arms of the State must work together towards this one goal. This area has been devastated by flooding and the people living in this region deserve a coherent approach involving every department.”


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