Dunkellin River and Aggard Stream flood relief scheme delay unacceptable, says Canney

Canney has attacked the system where a major flood relief scheme for South Galway is tied up in red tape.

The scheme is estimated to cost €8 million and would alleviate much of the flooding suffered by so many people each time there is heavy rainfall.

“It is clearly obvious that our national politicians have allowed the birds, fish and wild life take precedence over people. We have allowed bureaucratic no-sensical laws rule our country while people suffer the consequence,” said Cllr Canney.

“The Minister of the Environment Alan Kelly needs to find the backbone to put in place emergency legislation to overrule the system in order to protect our citizens.

“In 2009 people suffered enormously and were promised that action would be taken. Now in 2015 the people suffer the same fate. This is not right”, concluded Cllr Canney.


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