Galway Alzheimer Café

The Alzheimer Café is an initiative being started up by The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Galway branch. The first café will be held in Flannery’s Hotel, Renmore, Galway, on Thursday December 3 from 2pm to 4pm.

The Alzheimer Café is a safe and relaxed place where people with dementia, their families, and health care professionals can get together to talk, share, and learn. The Alzheimer Café is free and anyone affected by dementia is welcome to attend.

An Alzheimer Café is a monthly gathering where persons with dementia and/or their family and friends can be together in a safe, welcoming, environment, in the company of other carers, volunteers, and health care professionals, for the purpose of emotional support, education, and social interaction.

This month’s guest speaker will give an information session on “What is dementia and how is it diagnosed?”

For more information contact Maureen Mannion at  086 8211540, email


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