A day-long introduction to mindfulness

Esker Retreat House in Athenry will host a day-long introduction to mindfulness on Saturday November 21 and again on Saturday December 5, just in time to get you ready for a relaxed and peaceful Christmas 

Mindfulness is the practice of developing presence in all aspects of our lives, whether we are working, driving, gardening, cleaning, or having dinner with friends. A state of peaceful presence is the goal and result of mindfulness. 

By learning to focus the mind and settle attention, we learn to let go of being compulsively busy, preoccupied, and anxious, and access our capacity to be more aware of our experience in the moment. Becoming aware in this way is a key to managing difficulties more effectively and living more fully.

The benefits of mindfulness practice are many, and a rapidly-growing body of research points to the various ways, both simple and profound, that it impacts our lives.

Regular practice can help those facing financial and job stress as well as relationship stress and loss. Blood pressure, chronic pain, and insomnia all show improvements.

Christmas can be one of the most stressful times of the year for many. Instead of really enjoying it, you can end up living outside the moment, lost in doing the next important thing to prepare for the big day. So as we near the festive season, take a step back, get off that train, and learn to be fully present for all that Christmas — and life — has to offer. 

The day-long workshops will be facilitated by Carmel Sheridan, a psychotherapist, supervisor, and mindfulness teacher. To register, call 086 8185974 or visit mindfulnessgalway.ie Pre-registration is essential.


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