Samaritans to highlight depression with shop window display

Boots will play host to a live performance highlighting depressing and suicidal thoughts as part of the Samaritans’ national fundraising event next week.

The charity’s national fundraising day, 24:7, will take place on Thursday July 24. The Galway Samaritans have created an artistic piece to coincide with the Galway Arts Festival. A number of actors will silently portray the affects of depression and suicidal thought, and how any one of us can find ourselves needing help in our lives, in a live performance in the front window of Boots throughout the day.

The Samaritans in Ireland deals with more than 300,000 contacts every year, and this figure continues to rise. The Samaritans offers 24 hour emotional support by phone, e-mail, text, face to face, and letter. Across Ireland, somebody rings Samaritans every seven seconds.

To contact the Samaritans phone the 24-hour helpline at 1850 60 90 90, e-mail, call to Galway Samaritans, 14 Nun’s Island, Galway, or phone (091 ) 561 222.


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