A LUNCHTIME date with the music of Beethoven, Chopin and Bartok beckons with next week's Music For Galway lunchtime show, featuring a rising star of Irish classical piano, Fiachra Garvey.
Fiachra plays the Hotel Meyrick, Eyre Square, on Thursday November 19 at 1.05pm. He graduated from the Royal Academy of Music, London in 2013 with first class honours and distinction in the MA in music performance.
He has been a top prizewinner at many international competitions including AXA Dublin, EU Prague, Collioure France, and Jaques Samuel London. He has also performed at the Wigmore Hall, Venice's Fazioli Hall, Prague's Nostic Palace, the Brighton Festival, the West Cork Festival, the New Ross Piano Festival, St Martin in the Fields, and Manchester's Bridgewater Hall.
The performance runs for 50 minutes. Tickets are €5 or €12 for a concert/lunch combo. Pre-booking through 091 - 705962 or info@musicforgalway.ie is recommended, as spaces are limited.