Grateful Ailbhe wants to give something back with masquerade ball in aid of Temple Street

The summer of 2013 will be forever ingrained in the memory of Ailbhe Connolly, and that of her family and friends. She was a carefree 18-year-old enjoying the summer before she went into Leaving Cert like many others. However, for Ailbhe, her life was turned upside down all too quickly when she was diagnosed with a brain tumour  on July 12 that year.  

Following many further tests and scans Dr Darach Crimmins and his highly skilled team at Beaumont Hospital removed the tumour during a very invasive 12-hour operation. While the removal of the tumour was successful, it was not without its side-effects and Ailbhe lost all feeling on her right-hand side. Following a seven-week stay in Beaumont Hospital Ailbhe was then transferred to The National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH ) in Dun Laoghaire for a 12-week intensive physiotherapy programme where she had to build up the strength on her right hand side and learn to walk again. 

With such a strong will and determination, Ailbhe did this with great dignity and walked out of NRH in October 2014 and went back home to Galway to do her Leaving Cert. Against all the odds she sat her Leaving Cert successfully, earning herself a place on her first choice course in GMIT.  Ailbhe is finished all treatment and enjoying the simple pleasures in life, like hanging out with her family and friends and going to college. 

While she is, and will continue to be closely monitored, she is very keen to ‘give something back’ following her experience and the huge support she received from Dr Crimmins and his team. With this in mind, Ailbhe has organised a Masquerade Ball in the Westwood Hotel on Friday, November 20.   

All funds raised on the night will go to the Neurological Department of Temple Street Hospital, which is run by Dr Crimmins.Tickets for the black tie event are just €45 which includes — a champagne reception,a four-course course meal; Music by ‘Who Knows’ followed by a DJ and a prize for the best mask.

To buy tickets please contact 086 2222049, or Find  it on Facebook at Ailbhe Connolly’s Masquerade Ball


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